Blend in

PC: Manohar Lazarus

Blend in - that’s what I do best, 
Blend in - and match with the rest.

Sometimes I get so busy getting it right,
I dunno whether I am blending in,
Or blending out or just going out of sight.

And then I build my own little world; 
No one can see I can dance, I can twirl 
I can observe and I can see,
And I can learn or just choose to be.

And once I am ready and I thinks it’s fit
I can choose to step right out of it.

So while I appear as the same feathered bird
I can be weird and freaky and totally absurd.

As some watch in dismay; some with glee,
I am already changing colours,
To blend back in and be free!!!

By Neeti Khanka
