Cheers to my best friend at work!

After 13 years, she's made this crazy-ass decision to just quit the corporate career and life. Today is Anubha's LWD. What an inspiring, courageous, spirited and adventurous outlook on the next phase in life.

She's been my bestest friend at work with none nearly close by a light year at the least. It's been a journey of many good times, conscious effort, convergence of ideas and actions, disagreements, positive strokes, so many drives to and back from work, even road trips, and not to forget Bir, and Janet's sessions. Tis literally growing up together in careers, life, as professional and just being better people. May sound tad odd, but to be ones real self with someone is a while process that can take a decade, even more. But Bir certainly helped at being more accepting, disclosing, respecting and just being greater in spirit.

She used to dream of running a small cafe and all, now she's chasing a dream of yoga, mindfulness and writing. Happy for her and yeah, we've made arrangements to be connected purposefully- our 'Dreamcatchers' blog 😁, Project Writers Unplugged, and yeah another idea I haven't discussed with her yet. Well, so much to do, and a new bucket list takes shape!

Workplace will at a loss without you around, and for me it will be three shades glum, missing you to just go get a coffee, that unplanned walk, vent-out sessions, balance-out thoughts, bounce-off ideas, proof-read mails, relationship advice, getting coached and mentored on struggles, share a joke, laugh out loud and just freak-out every now and then; oh, and that zoke-zone - a frequency that only you and I shared, morning walks and breakfast in Bangalore campus to count a few... Yaaahhh! Gonna miss all that. But, look, there's a glimmer in this blog, those projects we plan- with no conflict of interest to 'work' to continue smooth. That's our shared space to create more meaningful work and keep making a difference to the world.. 😊

At another page-turn in life.. There's no goodbyes.
Only see yous (stole from Anubha)...

By Manohar Garikapati


  1. Its nice and interesting writings Manohar keep it up

  2. For the first time you’re being so nice Manny! Am sure u miss ur work buddy a lot! Such a nice read... sweet


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