Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher -A Poem

Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher
Won’t you catch me a dream?
Where the clouds make me a pillow,
Under the mystical willow.
Where the cool breeze under the tree,
Sings to me, setting my anguished soul free!

Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher
Won’t you catch me a dream?
Where I dance amongst the mountains,
the sun, the breeze, the fountains.
Where the cuckoo sings me sweet lullaby
Each note it sings, falls gently on my eye.

Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher
Won’t you catch me a dream?
A dream where like the rushing brook
I have no recollection, no need to stop and look,
No need to understand, the mysteries of my heart.     
Knowing, I must flow on and do my part.

But I know that the dream catcher
Will one day catch me a dream,
Where wild like a gypsy I dance,
Taken over by the mystical trance.
A dream where I am no longer bound, by my expectant heart
The shackles that bound me, finally fall apart.
Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher
Won’t you catch me a dream?

Anubha Mamgain

PC-Anubha Mamgain
