Hanging Up My Boots

Seems like I am hanging up my boots

From an army brat,
To a defence college frat.
And a navy man’s wife
I will miss this Cantonment life.
Miss the brave sailor who was gone too soon,
Packed up his uniforms old and new. 

This lizard-ridden house and jolly company
And MES complaints, all true.
It does feel like I am swallowing the anchor
And hanging up my boots too!

There will be no May Queen Balls
Or random patrols of men in combat gear
Or excessively large spaces to stroll
where I knew no fear.
I would stay back if I could,

But I do need to hang up my boots for good.
You can take the girl out of the Cantt,
But not the Cantt out of the girl.
So, it may look formidable, but let’s go for a twirl,
Let’s give a chance to the rest of the world.

It's all new and nothing will be same.

But you know it’s taught me to stay in the game.
So, whatever may come- I care two hoots!
Because somewhere in my closet
Still hang my Boots!

-- By Neeti Khanka


  1. Wow Neeti! Such ornamented, honest and direct from the heart poem...loved it!!

  2. Reading this now.. loved it..


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