If I were you

 If I were You

If I were you and you were me,
would I be so cruel, as to ask you
never to rest and keep moving on.
To try your best and never to whine?

If I were you and you were me
would I still judge 
every single mistake you'd make 
critique you,blame you.
Till your heart did break?

If I were you and you were me 
would I not give you good counsel.
A pill to mend you,
when you were sick?

Then, why do I put myself down?
And let my deamons make me back down?
Drown myself in the shallows of despair?
Dash my dreams with doubts and fear?

If I were you and you were me
would I not hold you and let you be.
Tell you that its ok to be weak.
Tell you that you are where you are 
and this is where you were meant to be.

If I were you and you were me!

By- Anubha Mamgain



  1. Wow Anubha! How deep!! Very nice.. loved this one the most... so relevant esp for this competitive world!

  2. Love it Anubha ! you have such flair in expression ! keep composing <3

    1. Thank you Minakshi for your encouraging words


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