The Remedy

By Anubha Mamgain:

I see you fight.
Fight the demons of your past.
Trying to rise above the surface.
Gasping for a breath.

I see you are tired.
Tired of wrestling with yourself.
The chains of your past fasten.
The shadows of your actions
hold you in its clutches.
Digging into your soul.

I see you are hurting,
Hurting at the injustice of this all
Wounded and lost
Trying to make sense of this all.

I see you are grappling
Grappling and searching.
Trying to find a way out.
I know you don’t see it now.
Surrounded by confusion and doubt.

But Oh, my darling!
I see your courage. I see your hope
to fight through this darkness
To find your way home.

And Oh! My darling! Don’t you see?
You are the lock and the key.
You are the poison and the remedy.

P.C- Anubha M
