Down The Rabbit Hole

Down The Rabbit Hole
By-Anubha Mamgain

This little girl is lost again.
She drifts away from me,
I am lost not to the world, but to me.

Some days she doesn’t wander too far.
On others, she is lost for days.
She steals the moments running through her fingers.
Meandering slowly. Deliberately.
Scaring me.
Will she ever find her way back home?

There she goes down the rabbit hole again.
“Why is it that you are always, 
either too tall,
Or too small?
And never, just about the right Alice?” *

I pretend not to hear her.
She doesn’t seem to care.
But the question leaves its mark.

And as I try to climb back
I ask her “Why am I always either too tall or too small?
“Why can’t I just be...?”
She looks at me and smiles
“Cause how else would you escape
This drudgery called life?”
I grin as we make our way back.  
Looking for a new rabbit hole.

By- Anubha Mamgain

*Character from Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland”


  1. Loved it. Initially I couldn't find the right words to express what I felt while reading this. It triggered something in me, but I couldn't put that to words. After a few days, realised that the emotion I was grappling with, was fear, and a sense of inevitability- that life is a progression from one rabbit hole to another interspersed with a few moments of sunshine. But immediately after this realisation, I was also flooded with relief and gratitude, that I can and I have come out of many such rabbit holes and that I need to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. One never knows, the next rabbit hole might just be around the corner.

    1. Thank you so much Arun. The fact that this poem resonated and stayed with you, means a lot to me.


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