
                                                     Afloat- By Neeti 

It’s funny how my mind wanders
Into the depths and beyond and under 
And then on some days it sits there blank
Skirting the shallows ,just roaming the banks
Is it an algorithm or is it duality 
Or is it just trying to escape reality 
Whatever it is - it’s kept me alive 
So let it just be - let it float or let it dive!!

To rise to the horizon or plunge in the deep
Does every moment require so much indeed ?
I sometimes wonder am I missing it all 
To fix everything , every problem to solve ?
To whom do I owe this , who is to care
To feel every emotion - joy or despair 
This burden is not mine , why should I drag it along 
So today I'll just float , I'll just carry on ......

P.C- Neeti K


  1. Beautiful the poem as well as the picture!!

  2. Very thoughtful and well written!

  3. Whoa! Neetu! Bloody Brilliant! ��

  4. Such a beautiful poem! Straight from the ♥

  5. Love it ...Deeply deeep and yet not so deep...��

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words :)....

  7. Waow Neeti! This is such a thoughtful poem🥰


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