the portrait

The portrait

--By Neeti

My mom is an artist

she has painted all her life
We grew surrounded with canvas and paints
And brushes , easels , painting knives

So when I was six and boisterous
I went to her and said in glee
You paint horses and mountains
Why wouldn’t you paint good ol’me ?

Sweet my mommy set out on the task
And I put on my favourite little dress
Tightly braided my mad curly hair
And sat still in much duress

And I sat and smiled and posed
But it seemed just so so long
Bottling up my six year old’s energy
As my mom laboured on

She seemed troubled and perplexed
What she’d drawn made her unhappy
But when I checked it seemed fine
The figure on the canvas did look like me

Mommy said- baby , there is a problem
Without your ears ,it just isn’t you
But as soon as I paint them on
It looks like something from a zoo

After the shock of her own honesty
Mom said -my sweetheart ...alas
Your beauty , your magic , your awesomeness
Just cannot be caught on oil and canvas

I thought she was right , I believed her
And luckily six year olds have a lot to do
Mom also painted over the picture
A dusky landscape with a greyish hue

It’s been more than thirty years
That painting was long gifted away
And out of the blue ,today I thought of it
I remember it like it was yesterday

Now I can’t help wondering eerily
Somewhere in someone’s place
Under a weathered painted windmill
Lies my half painted earless six year old face !!!!

*Artwork- Neeti


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