I want !

I want this 
I want that
And I want everything 
And more of what I had 

And the fun things
And flashy ones too
Cars and clothes and rings
And everything new 

I also want beauty
And be healthy and fit
I want style and the swag
And everything that goes with it 

I want my friends and family
And travel far and wide 
Be here , be there 
Or everywhere if I decide 

A big and lovely house 
With a garden and a swing
Filled with love and cheer
A home for my offspring

And it all seems a la carte
I ll take some love too
Maybe I want it ,maybe I don’t 
But it’s nice to have on the menu 

And while I am at it
And nothing is for free 
True happiness may lie anywhere
But I also want the money 

And did I mention success ?
Respect and adulation 
Ace whatever I go out to do
Along with job satisfaction 

And of course I want joy
Peace of mind and harmony 
I can will it and live it
It really does lie within  me 

 I dunno why I doubted it 
Life really can be quite a ball
Why should I chose between this or that
When I can have it all !!!

by Neeti


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