Death of a Fantasy

I was a little girl, broken and lost.
Caught in the whirlwind of my emotions,
trying to stay afloat; 
with a big smile on, to hide the pain
Of being left out, yet again.

You were kind. 
You reached out to me.
Assuaging my grief. 
You allowed me to be.

We grew up, we grew apart.
I took these memories
far away from reality,
to the crevices of my heart.

With time, the memories became pristine.
A place for me to go and hide.
Every homage, convincing me that what we had was special,
It was yours and it was mine.

Now as I stand in front of you,
the illusion of the memory
that had played its trick on me
is stripped naked of its fallacy.
I see it now in your distant eyes
Your love was kindness meant for a child
It served it purpose before it died

As we say goodbye and part
I bless my poor stupid heart,
which sought love where none was to be found.
So, I lay our memories on the ground
And sit down under the trees
to moan the death of my fantasy.

By- Anubha Mamgain

P.C- Anubha Mamgain
