Times Like These

At times like this

When despair tightens its grip

Crushing your soul.

Your life crumbling before your eyes.

You question the reason and futility of it all.

Come, borrow my hope, my friend.


At times like this

When tears drown you in pain

Everything weighs you down.

And you use up the last breath

just to stay afloat

Come, borrow my strength, my friend.


At times like these

When none understands your anguish.

Consolations, just words,

Immaterial. Grains of sand.

Your head and heart, like two opposing enemies

Offering no solace.

Come, take my hand, my friend.


At times like these

I wait patiently.

Walking beside you,

Partaking in your tears.

Allowing you your grief

so that when it’s my turn

you may allow me mine too.


At times like these

Borrow my love a while.

till you make it on your own.

For, I may borrow it too

When it’s my turn to be alone.

At times like these.

By- Anubha Mamgain

P.C- Ashish C
