Born Again


A phoenix trapped in a moth’s body

Unremembered. Unrecalled.

Must I burn all that I am?

To be reborn, to unlearn all,

that remains, buried within the crevices

of my soul?


Thoughts, ideas- illusions of my mind

Deceiving with their hollow lies.

Entrapping. Fooling me.

Am I the one holding onto them,

or do they cling onto me?


I take this unmerited pain

the idea of how I should be

and bargain it for your disfavor.


I traipse through the mundane days,

And gently pick up the threads of the days gone by

I knit them together

Into a bright, warm winter day.


I trip over the strands of my dreams,

The façade comes shattering down

Shards of yellow, blue, gray

Red, orange, green and brown scatter at my feet.

I pick the pieces and build me a kaleidoscope,

with which to see my life through.


I venture on this uphill climb

One step forward two steps back.

Back again on the emotional Merry-go-round.


 Then I remember, that which I forgot

No longer who, I was before.

Each day, born anew

I rise from the ashes of my failure

To take what the new day lends.

With mighty wings and a brave heart

For a new beginning

and a new end.

