The Humanness of Coffee Machine


Humanity is in need

For a change of scene.

The problem solved

If we transform

Into a coffee machine


Shiny Skins. Always new.

Flashy buttons- embossed or touchscreen

With glow lights too!

Super automatic or Semi

Wouldn’t claim more than our due.



We’d wake up

to the deep hum of our tunes

Dispensing shots. Black

Liquid gold. Infused.


Wafting in our Caffeinated airs

Contentedly go through the grind.

Belly swollen with toasted beans

Coffee pods

Arabica or Robusta.

Coarse or fine.


And when life is tough

and we cant get out of bed,

in need for a fix. A caffeine hit

we'd check into a service center

for a quick rehab.



When the day’s over

We’d go to bed gratified

No guilt nor expectations.

Or dreams unfulfilled.

Knowing the brew was worth the grind.




Anubha Mamgain

P.C- Microsoft Stock image


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