Thinking Thoughts


My mind flits

from one to the other

A butterfly peeking into

A glass house of flowers.


Perusing the bellies

Of these see-through bubbles.

Glossy resin art

Of thousand colours.

Dazzling petals of future

Dark ashes of past.


Now I see them floating, over

the clear skies of my mind.

Scoop of soft vanilla

Drifting atop a

friendly woolly sheep

Oblivious to its spring hide

The furry poodle, its outline

Dissolving by and by.

I jump upon the somber stallion

As it flees the dragon

eating the sky.


I marvel at my thoughts,

Who births them?

Or like time and space

Are always here?

Solemn union of matter and mind

Memories cascading from fountain of time.


Where do they go when they die?

Like raindrops-plop, dissolving into the sea of mind.

Or like Birds do they fly south,

To keep warm, survive?

Till they are recalled.
