The Boy & The Cat


The boy, picked up the cat


Pinching the nape of its neck

he lifted it up, its four limbs dangling

in the cool summer breeze,

and placed it in the cradle of his arms



The cat mewed and wriggled

not used to conformity. 

It sought its freedom

from this random stranger

who proceeded to stroke its back



The cat, in its predicament

began licking the boy’s forearm

with great fervor.

Perhaps to earn the boy’s favor

and return to mother earth,



The boy boldened by the change of tune

reciprocated, squeezing the cat

Ever more tightly.

The cat, reciprocated-

Digging its canines into the soft of his elbow.



 Wincing in pain, he trotted

like a prize horse

refusing to let go.

 “Put the cat down”, I said

rather firmly


The cat followed suit

gnawing and scratching the boy


The boy loosened his arms

The cat leaping out of



And as I saw the cat making its way to the horizon

I wondered why I had been referring

to a 30-year-old man as a boy

Misleading my readers



The man-boy stared down at his bleeding elbow

“Can cat bites cause Rabies?”

He asked me anxiously

“Depends” I said,

“if you know the cat Personally”.


Anubha M

P.C- Anubha M
