The Two Halves


A murky rivulet meanders, lazy

through the recesses (of my brain).

Makes it’s way to the

second exit from the third

roundabout (on the northern plane).

It cascades into the deep blue


separating the two halves,

where love and logic- Collide

And neither remains.


Further ahead fireflies light up the dark starless


Where sometimes some sparks of brilliance fly

Otherwise, all is noisy and dry.


Those greasy spots u see splattered here and there.

Is where the make-believe world


And there on the far end

A dusty cupboard of memories- real and imagined


Into the bottomless pool.


Once you come through the

barren meadows of intellect

to the rickety bridge of thought.Beware!

A thief and a madman

stand guard- the gates to the grounds

where the skeletons of past join the shadows

Of things to hereafter.

By- Anubha M

P.C- Anubha M


  1. My favourite from you so far !!!

  2. Thank you so much anonymous! I am so glad you like it!


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