


It’s been sometime!

Yes. But not too long,

for what is time?

A construct of your mind.


Why did the sparrow die?

Just did, as all things do.

Maybe the time was right or wrong,

depending on which side you were at ,

at that time


Why am I here?

Why am here?

What am I doing here?

Am I writing and meditating,

or meditating as I write?


Does it matter?


Are they any good?

These poems that you write.

Are they funny or atleast do they rhyme?


Does it matter?


Will you read one out aloud?

I sure could use a little laugh.

I could, but it wouldn’t be funny  

to the prostrating man.

Nor to the women who is



Perhaps another time then?

Perhaps not. I am stuck

in this loop of time-

have this very same conversation

Time and time again 
