Present Participle


Having consented a while back, to

an exhibition of de-constructed art.

I see the folly,

In not thinking this through!

In a soft voice I open pull out my “Having said that…..” card,

distract you with the possibility of staying put

Infront of the bright hues

Of our Korean TV set.



When I see the power of my soliloquy

on the widening gap between plate and its content,

fall on your deaf right ear,

I pull back the curtains of my liberalism,

utter a holy” having said that…..”

I forgive you of ur choices and me my delusion,



I can use “that said” but where is the punch in that,

No magnanimity of motherly martyrdom.

So I will continue with my "having said that"

To absolve the world of its guilt

and me of my conclusions.

By-Anubha M

P.C- Anubha M
