The Valley


Pregnant clouds dance,

Their grey cloaks 

heavy with promise, a song of


on their wet lips


A drunk paddy field

aches longingly, arches itself

to melt-

embrace the morning sun.


The girl sighs, pours her falsetto

into the pink cellphone,

her fingers entwine the glossy green grass.

The silver of her ear, throws the evening light,

a code, to a faraway land.  



The wandering traveler- roams

Mucky backpack- patchwork of places he has seen

leans on his make-do walking stick- a spotted

branch of an apple tree.

His weary eyes

search for stories that will kindle his heart

He looks at me and smiles.

By-Anubha M


  1. Heart's desires, almost there, waiting to be fulfilled. A certain certainty that they shall be.. Hope kindles


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